This post currently covers the below ports/ services. By no means, this is a complete list, new ports, metasploit modules, nmap nse will be added as used. Let’s move port by port and check what metasploit framework and nmap nse has to offer. *** SNIP ** 20, ftp - data 21, ftp 22, ssh 23, landesk - rc 23, telnet 24, priv - mail 25, smtp 25, smtp - proxy *** SNIP ** Network Data Management Protocol (ndmp) - Port 10000.PostgreSQL Database Name Command Line Flag Injection.Reference - Hacking SQL Server Stored Procedures.Microsoft SQL Server Find and Sample Data.Microsoft SQL Server SUSER_SNAME Windows Domain Account Enumeration.Microsoft SQL Server xp_cmdshell Command Execution.Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Enumerator.Java RMI Server Insecure Default Configuration Java Code Execution.Java RMI Server Insecure Endpoint Code Execution Scanner.OpenSSL Heartbeat (Heartbleed) Information Leak.OpenSSL Server-Side ChangeCipherSpec Injection Scanner.